sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2016

"Hätte ich einen Gott, den ich verstehen könnte, ich wollte ihn nimmer für Gott halten."

(Meister Eckhardt)

"Si tuviese un Dios, al que pudiese comprender, no quisiera tenerlo como Dios."

(Maestro Eckhardt)

                                            “Salida del Sol por el Oceano” Vladimir Kush (1965)


"Escoto Erígena enseñaba que los estados inferiores de la existencia serían absorbidos, al final de los tiempos, en los estados superiores: el mundo mineral en el vegetal, el vegetal en el animal, el animal en el psíquico y este último en el espiritual puro; y ello no por una mezcla de las formas, sino al término de una reinmersión de la substancia más grosera en la más sutil. La formación misma del templo gótico parece prefigurar esta mutación."

(Titus Burckhardt, "Chartres y el nacimiento de la catedral")


"In this state the different objects of manifestation, including those of individual manifestation, external as well as internal, are not destroyed, but subsist in principal mode, being unified by the very fact that they are no longer conceived under the secondary or contingent aspect of distinction; of necessity they find themselves among the possibilities of the Self and the latter remains conscious in itself of all these posibilities, as "non-disctintively" beheld in integral Knowledge, from the very fact of being conscious of its own permanence in the "eternal present".


"It is this which allows of the transposition in a metaphysical sense of the theological doctrine of the "resurrection of the dead", as well as the conception of  "the glorious body"; the latter, moreover, is not a body in the proper sense of the word, but its "transformation" (or "transfiguration"), that is to say, its transposition outside form and the other conditions of individual existence; in other words it is the "realization" of the permanent and immutable possibility of which the body is but a transient expression in manifested mode."

(René Guenon, "Man and his becoming according to the Vedanta")